Your ScaVentures awaits…

Discover connections and complete missions with your group in this life-size interactive quest

Your ScaVentures will take you into the city’s depths through historical sites, secret destinations, and unforgettable scenes. A ScaVentures combines the worlds of problem-solving, travel, Israeli trivia, exploration, team-building, and gaming. Your ScaVentures is highly customizable and can be created anywhere in the world (on and offline!). It is an unmatched way to mark a special occasion that gets everyone actively engaged, having fun, and immersed in the experience.

On your ScaVentures, you will navigate through streets, alleys, and markets. Prepare to engage with landmarks, locals, and lore. Your goal: work as a team to complete missions and ultimately make it to the end of your ScaVentures with your crew intact and a bank of treasured memories.

First Station Jerusalem 1874, Jerusalem archives

Start your adventure in under 30 seconds

    How to choose
    the right adventure

    First, ask yourself,
    “What do I want to get from
    this experience?”

    Do you want to learn something?

    To experience something completely new and different? To have fun and build comradery? Hone in on what’s driving you, and if you’re still not sure, let’s talk.

    We’ve helped thousands of groups align their goals and nail their adventure!

    Picture photo

    Our customers share their experience

    What’s your style?


    Indoor ScaVentures

    Ideal for a group operating in a fixed location like a museum, home, or school. We can create adventure in any environment!

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    Indoor ScaVentures

    Ideal for a group operating in a fixed location like a museum, home, or school. We can create adventure in any environment!

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    Indoor ScaVentures

    Ideal for a group operating in a fixed location like a museum, home, or school. We can create adventure in any environment!

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    App Based

    Indoor ScaVentures

    Ideal for a group operating in a fixed location like a museum, home, or school. We can create adventure in any environment!

    Discover More

    They've already taken part in the adventure

    and what about you?

    Got a question?

    • Q: From what age is an ScaVentures appropriate?

      ScaVentures are geared to kids from age 6 upwards. Under 6’s can join, but they are not paying participants as the program is not geared to them. ScaVentures are great for adults of all ages!

    • Q: Are ScaVentures for adults?

      YES! We have amazing online and offline ScaVentures – adult birthday parties, anniversaries, programs for tourists and cooperate fun days.

    • Q: How long is a ScaVentures?

      Most ScaVentures are around 2 hours, but we customise games to any length of time. (We have very fond memories of our week long Quarantine Quest ScaVenture).

    More FAQ

    Let’s talk about choose or designing YOUR ScaVenture, just contact us!







    Pick what you're interested in...


    Zipping through the streets of the city is my style


    I prefer to explore from my own chair,

    thank you

    not sure

    Let's talk

    Choose What best describes you…

    A tour guide or travel expert

    A tour guide or travel expert

    A tour guide or travel expert

    A tour guide or travel expert

    A tour guide or travel expert

    A tour guide or travel expert

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